We don’t generally have much in common with Bill Maher, but we’re happy to give credit where credit is due. In this video Maher eviscerates the Left for defending Islam despite its fundamentally illiberal view of the world.
He even defends Christianity – at least compared to Islam. Unlike most of the Left, Maher is able to distinguish between Christians who believe that homosexuality or adultery are sinful and that unrepentant practioners of both will face judgement from an holy God and Islam in which gays and adulterers are killed out of hand. Maher recognizes that Christians will not kill an artist for a cartoon depicting Jesus in the way that Muslims killed the writers and artists at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine for a cartoon of Mohammed.
Maher may be wrong about most things political, but he is smart and with regard to Islam a realist. Good on him for calling out his fellow Leftists. If they listen to anyone it may be someone like Maher and in this battle we can use all the allies we can get.