Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch joins us today in the wake of Orlando attacks to discuss the tactics used by sharia supremacist organizations like ISIS and the rise of sharia supremacism in the United States. Spencer is one of the leading experts on the subject in the world and is a frequently sought guest and consultant. He spent many years training U.S. counter-terrorism operatives until the Obama Administration banned him.
Spencer discusses not just the tactics – terror for one – but the ideology that drives sharia supremacists. It’s startlingly simple – in their view the only legitimate government is a sharia government centered on a Caliphate. There are differences of opinion – power struggles – regarding the who runs the Caliphate. ISIS puts itself forward as the Caliphate to which allegiance is owed and claims many adherents. Iran has made similar claims. But one thing the different factions can agree upon is that sharia is the only legitimate law and the West is the enemy.
This was the ideology that Omar Mateen claimed for himself. The same Omar Mateen that was allowed to work as contractor for the Department of Homeland Security for nearly 10 years, during and after 2 FBI investigations into his jihadi sympathies and ties. Spencer explains that PC sensibilities driven by Leftist multicultural ideology likely protected Mateen and allowed him to keep his DHS job with deadly consequences for the patrons of the Pulse Nightclub.
Spencer argues that the Obama Administration – with the full endorsement of candidate Clinton – has been enabling the creation of sharia supremacist enclaves in the United States. We have argued in this space that these “insta-ghettos” are willfully and institutionally resistant to assimilation. But this is part of multicultural ideology – no one is supposed to assimilate. No one is supposed to become an American and enjoy a shared American culture. In their view, America is evil. Clinton is running to continue Obama’s “radical transformation” of America. And these are the consequences. It’s a foolish, bankrupt ideology and it is deadly when it encounters and encourages a violent, supremacist, expansionist sub-culture.
The entire discussion is smart and chilling. Take the time to listen to the whole thing.
Interview With Robert Spencer On Sharia Supremacism In The U.S.
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