This is the most absurd case of PC overdrive I’ve seen in awhile and these days that’s saying a lot.
On June 16th an elementary school in New Jersey called the police on a 9 year old, 3rd grade student when another student overheard him comment on a brownie that was being served at his end of the year party. Let that one sink in – the school called the police on a 3rd grader because of an overheard comment about a brownie. A brownie!
The offended student (they start then early these days) told the other student he was ‘racist’ for using the word ‘brownie’ when referencing, well, a brownie. Then the principal got involved and the rest is unprecedented ridiculous history.
The PC police arrived at the crime scene and began interrogating the offender 9 year old and then called in Child Protective Services. Really? Really?? Really??? For commenting on a brownie? You know, the dessert. Apparently the PC principal’s head is in the politically correct gutter for even thinking that the child was speaking of anything other than the brownie.
On June 16, police were called to an unlikely scene: an end-of-the-year class party at the William P. Tatem Elementary School in Collingswood.
A third grader had made a comment about the brownies being served to the class. After another student exclaimed that the remark was “racist,” the school called the Collingswood Police Department, according to the mother of the boy who made the comment.
The police officer spoke to the student, who is 9, said the boy’s mother, Stacy dos Santos, and local authorities.
Dos Santos said that the school overreacted and that her son made a comment about snacks, not skin color.
“He said they were talking about brownies. . . . Who exactly did he offend?” dos Santos said.
The boy’s father was contacted by Collingswood police later in the day. Police said the incident had been referred to the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency. The student stayed home for his last day of third grade.
Dos Santos said that her son was “traumatized,” and that she hopes to send him to a different Collingswood public school in the fall.
Read here
As you can imagine the mother of the child accused of this heinous PC crime is highly unamused. She wants an apology – understandably – and is planning on moving her child to another school. I’m thinking only 1 of these will happen.
Question: Is there a Child Protective Services in relation to educators? Because there is a growing list of educational facilities that have been taken over by SJW’s and the PC police. The kids today are wilting flowers and fragile little butterflies. What ever happened to sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me? Especially not the word brownie.
According to the school website, those looking for more information can contact William P. Tatem school principal Jennifer McPartland at 856-962-5704.